data science mini-portfolio

data science

Below are a selection of climate and environmental data science projects/exercises which I've worked on over the past few years. They're designed to be brief and intended to illustrate my coding and statistics skills.

  1. ClimateDecomposer - Singular Spectrum Analysis web app **click to open**

    tags: time series analysis; python; streamlit app; interactive dashboard

  2. How cold was the ice age ocean? **click to open**

    tags: netcdf; xarray; geospatial; climate model; CMIP

  3. Time series modelling of UK rainfall data **click to open**

    tags: ARIMA; geopandas; time series modelling; Machine Learning;

  4. Geospatial analysis: Using Kriging to grid sparse carbon isotope data in Python **click to open**

    tags: Kriging; Geospatial Analysis; geopandas; PyKrige

  5. River pollution (in progress): Exploratory Data Analysis using freely available River quality monitoring data to look for trends in UK river quality. **click to open**

    tags: Environmental Science; Geospatial Analysis; geopandas; seaborn

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